So, things are changing. Early last year, a (mainly) Power Rangers RPG I had been apart of for nearly 25 years came to an end. I had a falling out with one of the other players, who happened to be the admin of the RPG forum. In spite, he took the whole forum down. I tried to restart it, but, no one joined. I tried starting a different Power Rangers RPG. One person joined, but didnt contribute. But, in between, I also started a GI Joe RPG. And that one has taken off quite nicely. Four other players, well over 200 pages of content.
Given that I was no longer doing Power Rangers role play, and the franchise itself, other than in comic book form, is on hiatus, it was time to move on. So, I started changing my online persona. Renaming where I can. President Gold Any Ranger (PrezGAR) is no more. Now, there is only Colonel Chrome.
And he's not even my main character in this GI Joe RPG. No, he's that character's father, who only appears on occasion. For now.
So, the GARamid is no more. The lackeys are now Greenshirts. (GI Joe support troops. The generic solders on the cartoon.) My Crushes are given on base housing. But Im considering reducing the number of them. It's just so hard to pick and choose. Since there's always seem to be new ones. (One of whom can be seen in Glitter;s current Caption This gallery on X/Twitter.)
That's all for now. Dismissed.